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3 小時
600 港元


MINI POUCH實驗 課程歷時: 3 小時 人數: 2 - 4人 內容: - 介紹常用的縫紉工具,教授衣車操作和不同款式的製衣配件及其手縫方法 - 教授設計、配色的技巧 - 保留特色,發揮創意,重新創造 - 打造專屬你個人的MINI POUCH - 中/英雙語專業導師現場指導及協助創作 - 可團體參與,同親朋好友享受愉快時光 - 最多4人參加,保持小班教學 - 學費:HK$600 (已包含基本材料,建議同學自備一至兩件舊衣物作升級再造) MINI POUCH WORKSHOP Length: 4 Hours Participants: 2 - 4 persons Content: - An introduction on how to operate a sewing machine - Learn the basics of cutting and sewing - Learn about design and colorations - Bring home a unique mini pouch with the essence of the original pieces - Workshop hosted by multi- award-winning instructors - A maximum of 4 people per class to ensure no one's left out - Workshop fee: HK$600 per person(basic materials are included; you can purchase your own fabric and trimmings and bring them to the workshop as well)


1. 填寫個人資料後可直接以信用卡透過網上繳付學費;或於預約時間最少3天前以其他方式繳交學費(可以轉數快 / 銀行轉帳繳交)。如你預約的時間少於3日後,請儘快繳付學費一確認位置。 2. 未能如期繳交學費者將視為放棄名額 3. 同學可於所預約之時間最少24小時前自行透過預約確認電郵內之連結取消或改期,有困難者亦可聯絡我們代勞 4. 如於預約之時間24小時內取消將會扣除$100手續費後退回餘額 5. 如於所預約之時間後取消或缺席,學費將不獲退回 6. 如需退回透過網上以信用卡繳交之費用,將需額外扣除信用卡手續費 7. 額外加鐘為$50/30min(上限為2小時) 8. 以免混亂,預約時請填寫真實參加者資料 1. Fee can be paid by credit card online right after filling your personal information; Or you may pay by bank transfer (FPS) at least 3 days before your appointment. 2. If you failed to settle the payment on time, your appointment will be cancelled. 3. Appointment can be cancelled or rescheduled at least 24 hours before your appointment. 4. If cancellation or change is made within 24 hours before your appointment, a handling fee of $100 will be charged 5. No refund will be made for any no show 6. A fee will be occurred if any refund of credit card payment is needed 7. For sewing session, extra time will be charged at $50/30min (max. 2 hours) 8. Please use right information of the participants for booking


  • 19 Sheung Hei Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, 香港

© 2021 by BLACKLE KURT HO STUDIO. All rights reserved.

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